Monthly Archives: February 2015

You Can’t Win if You Don’t Play

The early version of the lottery machine was incredibly dangerous.

The early version of the lottery machine was incredibly dangerous.

I feel left out when people talk about what they’d do if they won the lottery, because I know I’m never going to win (it’s an unavoidable consequence of never playing). This is the part where I point out the odds of winning the lottery and how even if you do win it will ruin your life, but you know all that, so I’ll let you fill in the details. Instead, I’ve taken a moment to catalog exactly how it would ruin my life and, by extension, the lives of many around me. Continue reading

This works out much better than just wearing extra socks.

Die With Your Boots On

This works out much better than just wearing extra socks.

Take that, snow! I’ve got boots on this time!

When I feel like disappearing up my own ass, I think about the things I care about. I don’t mean family and friends–that’s boring. Saying you care about your family and the people around you is like saying your car is really good because it goes forward. It’s as close to saying nothing as you can get without using silence. Continue reading