I offer a service where I tell people if their birthday is pointless. Here’s how it works: someone contacts me, tells me what age they are going to be and I tell them if their birthday is pointless. There are some mitigating factors—too miniscule and boring to go into here—but my accuracy is remarkably high. I’m not asking to be celebrated for this; I consider it part of my duty as a citizen of the world. We all need to give back what we can. Continue reading
Monthly Archives: May 2014
I recently participated in a study to gauge to efficacy of Kalydeco—a new drug that treats the underlying cause of CF instead of just the symptoms—in patients with two copies of the Delta F508 mutation. I kept a diary for the first month of that study and I wrote a piece about my experience, but I figured that piece would have more context when the results of the study actually come out. In the meantime, here’s a journal entry from the day I went to have my qualifying eye test. Continue reading
Here in My Car

Though you can’t tell here, this 1989 Mercury Topaz had 13 exhaust pipes (1 of them real!) and spinning hub caps. I miss it dearly.
I just took out a multi-thousand dollar bet that my lungs won’t give out in the next 5 years. I bought a car. Continue reading